Church Planting

A key aspect of reaching the former Soviet world with the Gospel is the planting of Bible-preaching churches.

SGA is privileged to be able to connect North American Christians with individual Russian and Ukrainian church planters (missionary pastors) to advance this ministry.

The Bible-preaching churches SGA serves across the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) are passionate and eager to reach their communities for Christ. They have a tremendous advantage in that they already know the language, culture and history of their people. We are blessed by the Lord to be able to assist these churches in helping them train and sponsor faithful men as church-planting missionaries.

These church planters are selected by their local congregational leadership and are partnered through SGA with sponsoring individuals or Bible-preaching churches here in North America. Their dedication is such that many of them are ministering in three to five locations simultaneously!

A significant ongoing outreach to prisoners and drug addicts is often part of the ministry of church planters. Former prisoners – their lives changed completely by Christ – have moved on to become faithful church planters themselves.

Many North American individuals, along with churches, Bible study groups and Sunday school classes, have discovered the tremendous blessing of sponsoring a national church planter in the lands of Russia and the Ukraine, and so can you!

If you or your church group are unable to fully support a church planter alone, SGA can team you with other sponsors. Sponsors receive their church planter’s name, family information, ministry location, and a family photo when possible. Contact us for more information about getting involved with the church planting missionary sponsorship program.

Pastor Stretovich

Pastor Bakhmutsky

Pastor Kolesnick

Pastor Kupchenko