Rehab Centres

Rehabilitation ministries are some of the fastest growing ministries in the former Soviet Union.

Men and women with addictions to drugs and alcohol or a history of crime come and are not only set free from their addictions but find new life in Christ.

One-on-one discipleship, which includes regular Bible study and mentoring, is a vital part of the Rehab ministry. The learning of skills is also essential to fill the days with productive activity; to instill self worth and the realization that a contribution is being made; and also to produce something that can be sold thus enabling the rehab center to be closer to being self supporting.

Most centers have a waiting list of men or women who will join the 8 to 10 who will be there for six months. After the 6 months, most repent, are baptized, leave, and become part of a local church where they can have a fresh start.

Rehab Centre